Facilitator’s ABC: Erwartungen

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Kurz vor neun Uhr morgens. Der Raum füllt sich langsam. Hier und da eine Kaffeetasse in der Hand. Ein Gähnen. Telefone am Ohr. Gegenseitiges Begrüßen. Fokus kommt langsam. Und dann nähert sich der Facilitator Schritt für Schritt dem Thema und – wie als wichtig gelernt in vielen Ausbildungen – fragt die Erwartungen der Teilnehmer:innen ab. Und wie gelernt werden diese …

Facilitator’s ABC: Punkt Faden Bandbreite

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Ein großer Raum. Einunddreißig Menschen einer Organisation. Viele haben eine lange Betriebszugehörigkeit. Unterschiedliche Abteilungen. Alle der Technologie verbunden. Der große Chef kommt und sagt, warum alle zusammengekommen sind und wohin es gehen soll. Keine Fragen. Kein Unmut. Der große Chef geht. Der Facilitator übernimmt. Begrüßung. Miteinander warm werden. Frage: Wisst Ihr alle, warum Ihr hier seid? Und dann kann sich …

Facilitator’s ABC: Komfortzonen

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

K = Komfortzonen Gebe ich einem web browser den Auftrag nach Komfortzone zu suchen, bekomme ich sehr viele Treffer. Die Produkte, die mir vorgeschlagen werden sind Öfen und Heizungen, Kosmetik, Badzimmerausstattung, gemütliche Textilien und Essen. Alles, was einem Menschen das Gefühl gibt, hier kann ich sein, hier bin ich Mensch, so kann ich bleiben. Behaglich…..vor allem an einem stürmischen Winterabend. …

Facilitator’s ABC: Fülle

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

F = Fülle Es gibt so viel zu tun, sagt ein Plakat der FDP für die Bundestagswahl 2021. Wohl wahr. Es gibt immer viel zu tun, vor allem wenn man etwas weiss oder beherrscht. Themen sind miteinander verwoben, ein Gedanke führt zu einer Assoziation führt zu einer Meinungsäußerung und bevor man es sich versieht, ist ein neues Buch aus dem …


Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

You can’t hear it anymore!! Crisis, virus, pandemic……….enough is enough. And yet here the one or other thought: Thought 1: In recent months our attention has been focused on the way the world society and our small, individual community close to home functions. We have sensed how strong the dependencies between micro- and macrocosm are and what effect, changing one …

Start-up together!

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Will facilitate tonight a think-along-workshop to generate ideas for a start-up. The registrations went well and we have a colorful mixture of people willing to set up shop. Entrepreneurial thinking is second nature to all of them, which probably explains the energy and desire to set sail to new horizons. The workshop design is ready, the goals have been set …

Quality in Coaching

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Went to a coaching event the other day. Lots of coaches in the room. Event was declared as a learning and broaden-your-horizon event. Two lucky ladies were given the opportunity to present their knowledge and a method they like. And they inspired me to think. Thoughts: Coaching is predominantly a language-based process. Should one not clean up one’s own language …


Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Artificial Intelligence and connected products and services are perceived differently from people around the world. Let’s take the example of a robot: for Japanese a robot is a friendly servant, for Chinese it might be a serving friend, Germans treat it like an enemy and Americans as a partner. Question: What do the thought worlds in these cultures look like, …

Workshop / Veranstaltung

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Worum es geht: Sprechen Sie Ihre Kunden per Telefon an? Erklären Sie Ihr Produkt oder Dienstleistung am Telefon? Gewinnen Sie Kunden per Kalt-Akquise? Lassen Sie uns schauen, was Sie noch verbessern können! Telefonarbeit ist spannend Arbeit. Sie rufen jemanden an. Der- oder diejenige hat Sie, wie aus heiterem Himmel, am Ohr. Und dann fangen Sie auch noch an zu reden. …


Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Question: ………. Answer: We have completed the planning for this year. We have selected the topics according to the needs‘ analysis. Everything is set for this year. Question: What topics are you looking at? Answer: Agility and New-Thinking. ………..

Facilitator’s ABC: silence

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

 L = Listening „I prefer not to tell Mr. B. that a recent study has shown that patients treated by female doctors live longer on average than those treated by male doctors. This is probably because female doctors generally talk less, express themselves more clearly and, above all, listen more and better. On average, female doctors in a trial waited …

Vor Menschen sprechen

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Beliebte Situation: Informationszeitalter, Informationsgesellschaft, Informationsflut. Neues entdecken; lernen; Wissen anhäufen. Daten präsentieren und zu Informationen werden lassen; Botschaften vermitteln. Je mehr desto besser. Vor Menschen sprechen. Den Zeitrahmen einhalten und alles erzählen, was man weiß. Schnell reden. Schlagworte. Unverblümte Resonanz: Und dann werden die Zuhörer unruhig. Ihre Aufnahmekapazität ist ausgeschöpft. Die Gedanken schweifen ab, weil der Redner zu lange versucht …

Public Speaking

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Popular situation: Information age, information society, flood of information. Discovering new things; learning; accumulating knowledge. Presenting data and turning it into information; conveying messages. The more the better. Speaking in front of people. Keep to the timeframe and tell everything you know. Talk fast. Buzzwords.   Unblown resonance: And then the listeners become restless. Their capacity to absorb has been …

Facilitator’s ABC: Habit and every day is a new day

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

H = Habit 6am. Alarm goes off. Yawn. Stretch. Bathroom. Cold shower. Dress. Espresso. Getting ready to leave. Left turn at corner. Red light as always. Usual parking spot taken. Grunt. Morning to everyone. My desk. My screen. Same faces. Routine to-do-list. Lunch. Customers call. Discussion with superior. As predicted. Prepare to leave. Drive home. Some shopping. Run. Eat. Beer. …


Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

John always searches. He searches to find another piece of the puzzle that adds something meaningful to his life. His search happens sometimes under the surface of his awareness. And sometimes he looks for things intentionally and dedicates time and energy to decipher whatever raised his interest. Having done so for a while John has honed his approach. He has …

Facilitator’s ABC: diligence to perform

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Z = Zeal When meeting a group of people and setting out for a journey of discovery and learning, a facilitator never knows what will happen. Asking a simple question early in the morning helps to get a first glimpse into the unknown. The question for example could be: Who of you is here by his or her own free …

Trust & Control

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

You can only control, what you make yourself dependent on, what you allow yourself to be controlled by. Ultimately, this means that one can only control oneself, but this, in turn, can only be done by taking a detour via others and others. (Dirk Baecker, Postheroisches Management, Merve Verlag Berlin, 1994, p.54 ff) Testimony: „People must first earn their trust …

Customer Experience

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

Company: US American manufacturer of PC Interaction point: Customer service representative for private customers Statement: Customer wishes are not foreseen in our customer service process. Company: German state owned company for passenger transportation Interaction point: Representative at counter in a Central stattion Statement: We only believe you – customer – and your request if you can prove to us that …

Customer Centric

Cord Oliver MolthanUnkategorisiert

A French controlled car rental company. Offices everywhere. Went there the other day to rent a car for a few days. Nice car. Competitive price. A few days before the rent started, I received an email reminding me of all the things I should think of before picking up the car. Circumspect, I thought. Then one or two days before …