Facilitator’s ABC: Binary

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation, leadership

Is either-or a satisfactory choice to engage with something or someone? The food is good. The boss is stupid. The colleague is likeable. The defeat is bitter. It makes life easy. Open the drawer, put something or someone in it, add a judgement: voilà my way to see the world. I wonder if a facilitator can work like that. Participant …

Facilitator‘s ABC: Will-o’-the-wisp

Cord Oliver Molthanchange, creativity, facilitation, transformation

Isn’t it great when we are knowledgeable? We can assess and assign facts – and quickly. We are fully capable of acting and are in control of our environment. We have developed well. The short walk to the bakery with a toddler can take half an hour – one way. Everything is new and interesting and must be looked at. …

Facilitator`s ABC: Frame

Cord Oliver Molthanchange, facilitation

Thought: Agile and new work are the buzzwords associated with successful change. If a company follows the recipes and ingredients associated with these two words, then the cooperation becomes more constructive, the attitude of the workforce more efficient and the performance noticeably better. Question: If I want to achieve an observable, profound change, is it enough to introduce new information …

Facilitator’s ABC: Touch

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation

The room is full of people. Ten, fifteen, twenty…… the number does not matter. They are there and mostly expecting things of which they themselves are not aware. The surface attitude ranges from open rejection to expectation-free endurance. And yet, deep down, they all hope that something will happen that has meaning. Meaning for one’s own self, for one’s own …

Facilitator’s ABC: Expectations

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation

Shortly before nine o’clock in the morning. The room is slowly filling up. A coffee cup in hand here and there. A yawn. Phones to the ear. Mutual greetings. Focus comes slowly. And then the facilitator approaches the topic step by step and – as learned as important in many trainings – asks for the expectations of the participants. And …

Facilitator’s ABC: Point Thread Bandwidth

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation

One large room. Thirty-one people from one organization. Many have long tenure with the company. Diverse departments. All connected to technology. The big boss comes in and says why everyone has come together and where to go. No questions. No resentment. Big boss leaves. Facilitator takes over. Greeting. Warming up with each other. Question: do you all know why you …

Rethink, Redefine the Idea of Work


by Christelle Kamanan, contributing journalist, August 2022 The job market, as it is, is not wanted anymore. With all the progress in technology and other areas, there is no point in having most people spend that much time working. It’s urgent to rethink and redefine the concept of having a job and its role in society. Other paradigms are flourishing …

The Future of Work

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude

by Chrsitelle Kamanan, April 2022 Well-being, a fair work-life balance and a meaningful job are part of the top criteria of the working class. It accompanies the urge for drastic changes to face environmental and social challenges. Companies undertake them with Future-of-work, which should provide employees with more self-accomplishment, efficiency and agility. This model is supposed to pave the way …

Facilitator’s ABC: habit

Cord Oliver Molthanfacilitation

H = Habit 6am. Alarm goes off. Yawn. Stretch. Bathroom. Cold shower. Dress. Espresso. Getting ready to leave. Left turn at corner. Red light as always. Usual parking spot taken. Grunt. Morning to everyone. My desk. My screen. Same faces. Routine to-do-list. Lunch. Customers call. Discussion with superior. As predicted. Prepare to leave. Drive home. Some shopping. Run. Eat. Beer. …

Don’t care about being authentic

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude

by Christelle Kamanan, January 2022 Authenticity is the current buzzword. People speak of being authentic either to define a brand or to speak about personal objectives and relationships. It does not make much sense, and it is useless and vague. Being authentic does not indicate what you want, and it also does not say anything about you. Claiming authenticity equals …

Facilitator’s ABC: abundance

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation

A = Abundance There is so much to do, says a poster of the FDP for the federal election 2021 in Germany. Probably true. There is always plenty to do, especially if you know or have mastered something. Topics are interwoven, a thought leads to an association leads to an expression of opinion and before you know it, a new …

Facilitator’s ABC: speed

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation

S = speed I do speed! One of the five priorities for managers in the new normal is speed. Things should happen quickly, says one of the large consulting firms. The digital must be implemented quickly, resilience should be anchored quickly in the organization and among employees, new collaboration models should be developed as quickly as possible…….. . Whatever you …

The Unknown & Normality

Cord Oliver Molthanattitude, facilitation

Extraordinary events interrupt the more or less steady flow of routine work with noise. Man’s first reaction to the loud interruption is fright. This is followed by the question of how to cope with the unknown and how to reintroduce, bit by bit, tested small routines that come closer to the goal of normality desired and strived for on all …

Facilitator’s ABC: fog

Cord Oliver Molthanfacilitation

F = fog Fog is a wonderful state. The world disappears and does not distract the imagination by sight. The hand in front of the eyes is just visible, then a dense wall of water droplets. Now, one can stress one’s memory when moving in familiar territory. This sometimes goes well and often one notices how the conviction to know …

4.0: hurray!

Cord Oliver Molthanindustry 4.0

What you read: A company should organize optimal working conditions for work teams so that they can independently use 4.0 technologies, as well as use them effectively and in a health-conscious manner. Reality to be encountered: Coping skills in the functioning of ERP, MES, PLC et aliter are not mastered by everyone in an organization – be it plant operator …

4.0 > easy!

Cord Oliver MolthanNicht kategorisiert

What you read: A manager should promote and use the employees’ own initiative and self-organization for 4.0 processes. Just demanding this with words is not enough. A manager should create conditions that make it attractive to act independently, learn in the work process, face uncertainties, and manage the existing complexity. Reality to be encountered: Independent thinking and acting are two …

4.0 hurray!

Cord Oliver Molthanindustry 4.0

What you read: The management team of an industrial company can design and use 4.0 technologies in such a way that the people involved retain control over the systems or know how the systems work and can intervene. Reality to be encountered: The shop floor escalates, managers call experts, troubleshooting begins.  

OWSP = One-way street passivity

Cord Oliver MolthanNicht kategorisiert

Television. An illuminated screen. Wo/Man gazes blissfully at the moving images. Comfort in loneliness. Variety. Entertainment. Oh, how we love the screen. The smartphone speaks to us, whisks us away to strange worlds, makes the world lie at our feet. And obeys commands. I am the mistress/master of the world on my sofa. And then suddenly I am supposed to …

Facilitator’s ABC: cohesion

Cord Oliver Molthanfacilitation

V = virtual Virtuality or reality? Are we sure that these are two different things? Or are they not rather varieties of the same thing? How is it that we are so used to thinking in terms of opposites? How is it that we are always faced with the choice of two things? Either – or? Perhaps this is the …

Facilitator’s ABC: knowing for the sake of knowing

Cord Oliver Molthanfacilitation

A = Agnotology The noblest form of knowledge is nonknowledge. To know that one has nonknowledge and in a quality in which one can work with nonknowledge means that one needs a considerable amount of knowledge on the subject of knowledge. Nonknowledge is hard to acquire, since knowledge is the currency with which the value of a person is determined. …