A = Agnotology
The noblest form of knowledge is nonknowledge. To know that one has nonknowledge and in a quality in which one can work with nonknowledge means that one needs a considerable amount of knowledge on the subject of knowledge. Nonknowledge is hard to acquire, since knowledge is the currency with which the value of a person is determined. Knowledge is necessary for a conversation; it is claimed. Knowledge is necessary for work; many say and write it everywhere. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a job that required a conscious and confident approach to nonknowledge? Nonknowledge allows a free view of everything that comes along and offers a playful approach to the courageous. In the course of a childlike confrontation with topics, knowledge can certainly be acquired, but care should be taken not to contaminate one’s nonknowledge. Because then a part of the intellectual lightness is lost forever. And I don’t want to know how this might affect the quality of life.