Experience Design

Customer Centric Thinking

The success of any facilitation exercise always depends on this group of people one works with. What are they able to do? How do they like the topic? Are they here on their own free will? How are they in contact with one another?
The answers to these questions determine how the facilication process will unfold.

customer centric

Experience Design and Facilitation

Facilitators have the responsibility of designing experiences for their customers. They have to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels connected, respected and comfortable when voicing an opinion, a wish and concern. And the dynamics of a group should be positive enough to accept the challenge of working towards a solution to the topics at hand.
In such settings, being well versed in creativity with a treasure chest full of ideas, tools, methods, material and the like is essential.

Experience Design

What Experience Design is all about

Experience Design is a discipline that designs products, processes, services, events and environments for people according to clearly defined experience criteria. These criteria are defined by the experience provider. The desired experiences can be positive, constructive, pleasantly irritating or vehemently disturbing. The challenge is that everyone who has an experience with body, mind, soul and heart experiences what the supplier has commissioned and the designers have designed.